Learn Canine Body Language -

Live Training

Watch video to learn more (turn on your volume)

Calling Dog Owners & Canine Professionals:

Discover how to read your dog’s body language, emotions, and interactions. Learn Tellington TTouch® Observations live on Zoom. Engage with our expert and ask questions - all from the comfort of your home.

Transform your bond with your dog.

Learn To Better Communicate With Your Dog By Understanding Their Body Language And How To Observe Them

This course is broken down into easy to follow sections, covering:

  • How to Observe without judgement

  • Learn about Freework and how we can use it to observe our dogs

  • Physical body language - why do dogs do the things they do?

  • Dog emotions

  • Dog Dog Interactions

  • ​Your tutor, a senior Tellington TTouch® practitioner, and former Senior Instructor at the Dog Training College - Alex Wilson

If you cannot attend live it will be recorded and you will receive 30-day access


Talk Dog will be delivered LIVE on Zoom, Sunday, August 25th at 2 pm UK time 9 am USA (EDT) and will run between 4 and 5 hours.

Price £65.00

This course is for dog owners and Canine professionals


4-5 hours of Live teaching

Talk Dog Facebook Group where you can tag your instructor

30-day access to the recording of your course

PDF of Alex Wilson's new book

Observations and Possible solutions mini course worth £99.00

Building the Bond Mini Course - 60-day access worth £99.00

Printed Certificate


Alex Wilson has a passion for Canine Body Language and has taught it all over the UK, in Ireland and worldwide through his Livestream trainings. He was a foundation Canine Body Language Instructor and Instructor Trainer for the Dog Training College for several years and is a Senior Tellington TTouch® Practitioner. He is also the Course Director at Xtra Dog.


From The Desk Of Alex Wilson,

Dear Dog Owner…

Did you know dogs are communicating all the time, but are we listening to what they are saying? This course will teach you the secret language of dogs, it's the one course your dog would ask you to attend.


This course is divided into 4 stand-alone sections with bonuses

  • Part One: Tellington TTouch®, Observations and Free Work

  • Part Two: Physical Body Language, Why Dogs Do What They Do

  • Part Three: Canine Emotions

  • Part Four: Dog Dog interactions

Your tutor, Alex Wilson, will guide you through Observations and Canine Body Language - how to better understand your dog and possible solutions we could implement to help them be the best version of themselves

I’ve personally taught Tellington TTouch® and Canine Body Language in person, Livestream and at live events around the world and I can't wait to introduce you this incredible work.
Alex Wilson, your tutor

Here's A Few comments about our Courses...

 I wanted to congratulate you, this was such a wonderful course. I am so impressed by the way you bring the work across. It was really beautiful.

Linda Tellington-Jones

Founder of Tellington TTouch Training

I would not hesitate to recommend anyone who has an interest in dogs to attend one of these sessions, not just professionals but pet dog owners. This would give them invaluable insight into their dogs behaviour and could be saving themselves and their dog a lifetime of problems and stress.

​The instructor, Alex Wilson had a great easy going, approachable yet professional manner. He obviously had the days agenda to go through with the aid of slides and pictures but seemed perfectly happy and comfortable to veer off course and answer open questions throughout the session. He demonstrated a clear understanding of the subject but without preaching and continually invited discussion and opinions from the group.

Ali Buck

Dog Trainer

I have recently attended a number of online courses with Alex and found them all very interesting & helpful. It was fun learning all the different touches. I have been lucky in that I have been working on a relatives border terrier who absolutely hated having his nails cut. Today,  he was taken to the vet who had no trouble clipping them. How fantastic was that.

Mary Bennison

I have just completed my second course with Alex and thoroughly recommend his training. He is very knowledgeable and great at interpreting what our dogs are telling us. Translating this into easy, practical steps that we can use. If you love your dog and want to deepen your bond with them, or get help with any unwanted behaviour, then Alex is the guy to help! 

Angela Boocock

This is a course your dog will want you to take

We Can't Wait To See You At The Course!

If this is the only course you take in the next 12 months, Canine Body Language will give you a deeper understanding of your dog and how they communicate and relate to you and your family. This is the course your dog will want you to attend!

This course will change the way you see and think about your dog

This is your chance to learn from people Who Are Actually Managing Large Ad Budgets Every Single Day…

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