Discover how to read your dog’s body language, emotions, and interactions. Learn Tellington TTouch® Observations live on Zoom. Engage with our expert and ask questions - all from the comfort of your home.
Transform your bond with your dog.
This course is broken down into easy to follow sections, covering:
How to Observe without judgement
Learn about Freework and how we can use it to observe our dogs
Physical body language - why do dogs do the things they do?
Dog emotions
Dog Dog Interactions
Your tutor, a senior Tellington TTouch® practitioner, and former Senior Instructor at the Dog Training College - Alex Wilson
If you cannot attend live it will be recorded and you will receive 30-day access
From The Desk Of Alex Wilson,
Did you know dogs are communicating all the time, but are we listening to what they are saying? This course will teach you the secret language of dogs, it's the one course your dog would ask you to attend.
This course is divided into 4 stand-alone sections with bonuses
Part One: Tellington TTouch®, Observations and Free Work
Part Two: Physical Body Language, Why Dogs Do What They Do
Part Three: Canine Emotions
Part Four: Dog Dog interactions
I would not hesitate to recommend anyone who has an interest in dogs to attend one of these sessions, not just professionals but pet dog owners. This would give them invaluable insight into their dogs behaviour and could be saving themselves and their dog a lifetime of problems and stress.
The instructor, Alex Wilson had a great easy going, approachable yet professional manner. He obviously had the days agenda to go through with the aid of slides and pictures but seemed perfectly happy and comfortable to veer off course and answer open questions throughout the session. He demonstrated a clear understanding of the subject but without preaching and continually invited discussion and opinions from the group.
Dog Trainer
If this is the only course you take in the next 12 months, Canine Body Language will give you a deeper understanding of your dog and how they communicate and relate to you and your family. This is the course your dog will want you to attend!